Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Inspiring and timely lecture

While I acknowledge that we have had great lectures during this 2 week-long summer course led by Dr. Michele Jacobsen, I particularly found Dr. Susan Crichton’s lecture very inspiring. She reminds us that happiness is the ultimate goal in life and simplicity is elegant. In research, she proposed an innovative methodology which is basically keeping things in their simplest and original format. She outlines principles of excellence – very handy for doctoral students embarking on new research. I was also moved by the Gross National Happiness concept because happiness cannot be measured by economic yard stick alone as pioneered by Bhutan’s King. This also accentuates the fact that we as humans have a lot to learn from each other. Today, we discussed in class the concepts of nonformal, informal and formal education which I think that their definitions are still debatable depending on whom you talk to. These issues remind me of a very informative book that I read years ago written by Timothy Reagan who looks at educational thought from global perspective. He explores a number of non-western approaches to educational thought and practice. The book has given me a broader perspective by looking at education from differing but often complementing educational philosophies. Here is the title of the book for those of you who might be interested: Non-Western Educational Traditions: Alternative Approaches to Educational Thought and Practice Book by Timothy Reagan

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